what does illicitly mean in to kill a mockingbird


Many lawyers today would cite this threescore-yr-old story as an inspiration—Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird is, at its core, the tale of ane attorney's quest confronting racial injustice in his Deep South home, and of his children coming of age in the shadow of their father.

The novel is narrated in 2 parts past his younger kid, Scout, and along with her brother Jem and their friend Dill, she traces their upbringing as inspired by Atticus' moral teachings of tolerance, courage and justice. The starting time function follows their childhood, and their interactions with characters such as Boo Radley, Walter Cunningham, Miss Caroline and Mrs Dubose, while the second part follows the Tom Robinson trial itself, testing the children on the moral lessons of their childhood and disillusioning them to the overwhelming racism of their customs.

Nosotros'll be going through the novel's major themes, and also looking at it a flake more critically within the historical context of ceremonious rights and racial justice struggles.

Before we dive into To Kill A Mockingbird, I'd highly recommend checking out LSG'due south Ultimate Guide to VCE Text Response.

Prejudice and Race in To Kill A Mockingbird

All throughout the novel resonate messages of tolerance over prejudice. All the same, earlier any question of race is introduced, the children must confront their prejudices about Boo Radley, a local recluse who was rumoured to have attacked his parents. While they (especially Jem and Dill) lowkey harass Boo by playing around his yard, re-enacting dramaticised versions of his life, and sending notes into his firm with a fishing pole, they undoubtedly get drawn into the rumours besides: he was "half-dozen-and-a-one-half feet tall", he "dined on raw squirrels" and he had a head "like a skull".

What is prejudice, later on all? In this case, information technology doesn't take to practise with race necessarily—it's more about how the children judge Boo, form a preconceived image of who he is, earlier they really know him.

And this happens to other white characters too—notably Walter Cunningham, a boy from a poor family unit who Aunt Alexandra direct up derides as "trash". Even when invited to dinner by the Finches, he is dismissed past Scout as "only a Cunningham", and this is where Calpurnia steps in equally the moral vox, chastising her for acting "high and mighty" over this boy who she hardly knows.

The racial dimension of prejudice is impossible to ignore though—as Atticus says, "people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box". The word 'resentment' has special significance hither in the context of the Great Depression (in which the novel was prepare—more on this in a later on section) but the full general idea is clear: Black Americans similar Tom Robinson were guilty, and therefore doomed, the minute they stepped into a court because the white jury inevitably bore prejudices against them.

At the end of the day, the panacea Lee presents for prejudice is empathy, the thought that simply by truly understanding someone, "climb[ing] into [their] skin and walk[ing] around in information technology", tin we overcome our ain prejudices—something that the jury isn't quite able to practice by the end of the novel.

Justice in To Kill A Mockingbird

In the second role of the novel, these moral questions around prejudice and empathy find an loonshit in the courtroom, where Tom has been unfairly charged with rape and is being defended past Atticus. The court of law is supposed to be this colour-blind, impartial site of dispute resolution, where anybody "ought to become a square deal", merely the reality we see in the novel falls dramatically brusk; Tom is indeed ultimately found guilty despite the evidence to the contrary.

The intersection of these themes—race, prejudice and justice—forces us to face the reality that our legal institutions may not be as color-blind and impartial as we idea. As Atticus says in his endmost statement, "a courtroom is only every bit audio as its jury, and a jury is but as sound as the men who make it upward." However, what we see is that the people who brand up a jury are not necessarily as sound equally he/we would promise—Sentry later on recognises that the true trial occurs in the "hush-hush courts of men'due south hearts", and that racist biases were e'er going to become in the style of a off-white verdict.

Heroism and Backbone in To Kill A Mockingbird

All of that sounds pretty dire, so is the novel so purely pessimistic? We're going to complicate this a piffling here, and then (spoiler) a piffling more in the "Past the Basics (2)" section, only let'south say for at present that even though the outcome may be cause for pessimism, the novel is not and then pessimistic on the whole.
This is because of 1 primal moral that stands out from all of Atticus' other teachings, and that strings the unabridged story together, namely the idea that courage doesn't have whatsoever one single shape or class, that everyone tin can be courageous.

In Office I, we find an unlikely hero in Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose, who the children describe as "obviously hell"—when Jem takes out her flowers, Atticus makes him read to her as penalization. But when she dies is information technology revealed that she was a morphine aficionado who had been trying to cutting the habit in her last days, which Atticus sees as extremely brave: "[Real courage is] when you know you lot're licked before you begin simply you begin anyway and y'all see it through no matter what." For all we know, this could've been about himself…

Another example of Atticus switching up what it means to be heroic is in the way he puts down Tim Johnson. Don't stress if you forgot who that is—Tim is the rabid canis familiaris. Jem is blown away by his father's marksmanship, which he had never actually witnessed. Atticus transforms this into notwithstanding some other lesson well-nigh courage: "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the thought that backbone is a man with a gun in his hand."

What we see here is Lee trying to broaden the reader's imagination of what a hero could be, or what courage could look like, and all of this momentum eventually builds to the trial in Office 2. Even Tim Johnson'due south proper name calls to mind parallels with Tom Robinson's legal battle, in which Atticus heroically takes up the huge responsibility of protecting the innocent, and in spite of his best efforts, both times he fails.

All the same perhaps both times he knew it would be inevitable—courage is "know[ing] you're licked earlier you begin", right?

Fatherhood vs Boyhood in To Kill A Mockingbird

This cognition seems to exist one of those unfortunate things that comes with historic period and life feel. While Atticus already understands this, it doesn't quite click for his children until the end of the novel. Jem is particularly shaken past the guilty verdict: "It ain't right", he cries.

The novel is sometimes referred to as a bildungsroman for this reason: at its core, information technology'south a coming-of-age story. Jem may have been really idealistic almost law and justice and the court system, merely this is the first time in his life that he has had to grapple with the reality that all these institutions might be flawed, and that his dad is a hero not because he always wins, but because he'due south willing to get into the fight fifty-fifty when he knows he might lose. Even though these letters came through all beyond the novel, Jem's personal investment in the Robinson trial brings information technology all together for him.

Thus, on the ane hand, yous have this disillusionment and loss on innocence, but on the other, you lot besides take this shift in worldview that may well be valuable in the long run.

It'south besides worth noting that Jem isn't the only character who experiences this though—and also that heroism isn't the only theme that is affected. Scout experiences similar disappointments, and they both grapple with other questions of conscience, tolerance and conformity throughout the novel.

Past the basics: Narrative Structure

I've hinted to this briefly throughout the themes, but the ii-role structure of the novel plays a key function in delivering the key moral letters. While Part One isn't necessarily the story you'd expect (given that it's very long and almost completely non nigh the trial itself), many of the characters and their interactions with Jem, Scout and Dill are incredibly meaningful. (Walter Cunningham and Mrs. Dubose are covered above, but try to form some of these connections yourself).

Boo Radley is the key graphic symbol who connects the ii parts of the story. He spends much of the first part in hiding, occasionally leaving gifts for the kids in a tree (chapter 7), or giving them a blanket during a burn down (chapter 8). Nevertheless, he's also victim to their prejudice and their gossip—they don't meet him equally a person, only rather every bit an enigma whom they can harass and talk about at volition. In the 2d role however, he emerges to salvage Jem from Bob Ewell and is actually a rather unassuming man. Here, Spotter and Jem must reckon with the moral lessons they've been taught about prejudice, but likewise near innocence and backbone. It'due south through these interactions as well that they come closer to understanding Atticus, and his brave quest to defend the innocent. In many ways, the first part of the novel sets up and drives these ideas dwelling.

Past the basics: Critical Racial Analysis

As foreshadowed, we're going to complicate the heroism element of the novel here, and I'll start with a quote from a New York Times review: "I don't need to read nigh a young white girl understanding the perniciousness of racism to actually understand the perniciousness of racism. I have ample firsthand experience."

And so is in that location an issue when a story of Black injustice but elevates white people as heroes? Not to say that Atticus can't exist heroic, but what does it say that he's the brave, stoic hero in a story about a Blackness homo's unjust suffering?

I call up to best sympathise these complexities, it'south worth situating the story in its historical context.

  • 1930s: Corking Depression; when the novel is set. Economy had complanate and masses were unemployed; with slavery abolished, Black people were competing with white people for labour, fuelling resentment. Harper Lee grew up in this time, then in that location are autobiographical elements to the novel.
  • 1960s: Ceremonious Rights Motility; when the novel is published. For the first fourth dimension in history, Blackness heroes were capturing national white attention and shifting the needle drastically towards racial justice. Information technology was in this watershed wave of activism and social modify that people read this book for the first time, and it was received as a deeply authentic voice within this movement.
  • 2010s: Nowadays 24-hour interval; when the novel is currently being read. We're closer towards achieving racial justice now, but we're also in a world where more and more young people are cognisant of these bug. While the novel'due south image on the surface (of white kids existence blown away by the existence of racism) is fading in relevance, there are underlying letters that are nevertheless relevant: racism and prejudice is inevitable, and tin can occur across and within racial lines; courage and heroism can accept many forms (consider how Black characters—such equally Calpurnia—also act in heroic means); and the experiences of young people, whether experiencing racism immediate or witnessing its divisive bear upon, undoubtedly shape their values and morals every bit they enter the adult globe.

If the aforementioned story was published today, it probably wouldn't have the same impact, but call up almost what kinds of messages endure anyway, beneath the surface story.

Essay Prompt Breakdown

To Impale a Mockingbird argues that empathy is mettlesome. Discuss.

Which brings us to a topic that is a bit knottier than it might showtime seem. Although empathy is shown to exist courageous, particularly in the context of its setting, office of the novel's message is also that backbone can be fluid. This means that you might agree for a paragraph or 2, emphasising the importance of context, before expanding on this idea of courage in the third.

  • Paragraph One: empathy can be a courageous trait in divisive times. Atticus says from early on that it's of import to "climb in [someone's] skin and walk effectually in it" in society to better sympathise them. He initially says this nigh Walter Cunningham, but it'south a bulletin that finds relevance all throughout—which occurs in parallel, of course, with his other lessons about courage, and how it can take different forms (as in Mrs. Dubose). Understood together, Lee suggests that empathy can in itself be a form of courage.
  • Paragraph Ii: we've composite two themes together in the previous paragraph, but let's bring in some context hither. Empathy only stands out as beingness specially mettlesome considering of the historical milieu, in which people were not only racist, but allowed racist resentments to surface in the economic struggle of the Depression. In fact, these "resentments [were carried] right into a jury box" where people failed to display the very courage that Atticus consistently espouses.
  • Paragraph Three: that said, even if empathy is mettlesome, backbone can take on many forms across just empathy. Consider Scout backing abroad from a fight with Cecil Jacobs ("I felt extremely noble"—and rightfully so) or the resilience of the First Buy congregation in using their service to raise money "to help [Helen Robinson] out at dwelling". That these characters, Black and white, can hold their heads loftier and practice the correct matter in hard times is also courageous.

Have a go

In your opinion, what is the most cardinal and relevant message from To Impale a Mockingbird?

What is the role of innocence in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Lee argues that legal institutions are fraught with human bias—is this true?

In To Impale a Mockingbird, who pays the price for racism, and what do they lose?

Claiming: In To Kill a Mockingbird, how are isolation and loneliness different, and what is Lee suggesting about gild in this regard?

To Impale A Mockingbird Essay Prompt Breakdown Video

Video Transcription

Something that I want you lot to take abroad from this video is existence able to develop a contention argument that is a complete, solid foundation for your essay. A lot of the time when I ask students what they're trying to say in a specific section of their essay, they tin can't really explain it, they're just trying to put relevant evidence downwardly. Ideally, it'southward worth begetting in heed when you programme that you should exist able to follow your logic back to the contention at any given signal, even if you're not that confident with the topic, and even if it wasn't the topic you're quite prepared for.

The topic we'll be looking at is:

To Kill A Mockingbird is a story of backbone. Discuss.

So 'backbone' is the primal discussion here, and the way nosotros ascertain it will shape our entire word. It generally means bravery and fearlessness, simply what kinds of backbone are explored in the novel? It could be anything from courage to do the 'correct' thing, or courage to tell the truth, or courage to treat people with nobility even when you don't know if they'll care for you lot the same manner.

Immediately, nosotros can encounter that this is a theme-based prompt. To learn more about LSG'southward incredible Five Types Technique and how it can revolutionise how you approach VCE Text Response essays, have a read of this blog post.

For a prompt similar this, you start building your contention based on these definitions, and this is handy if you're better prepared for another theme. Let's say you're better prepped to write an essay on discrimination...

You could contend that the novel is indeed about backbone, as Atticus non only teaches it to his children merely also applies it to his defence of Tom Robinson in the face up of structural racism. However, courage is too linked more broadly to empathy, which is explored as a panacea for discrimination. A consummate contention like this breaks upwards your points neatly, but also grounds everything you accept to say in an essay that nevertheless addresses the question and the idea of courage.

For instance, paragraph ane would start by looking at the forms of courage he teaches to his children. Part I, the more moralistic and didactic section of the novel ends with the idea that "real backbone" isn't "a man with a gun" just rather "when yous know you lot're licked earlier you begin anyway and y'all see it through no matter what." The department is characterised by these lessons of "real courage"—while Atticus "One-Shot" Finch downplays his marksmanship, he focuses the children's moral instruction on characters such as Mrs Dubose, who he admires every bit courageous for fighting her morphine habit.

The side by side paragraph would look at Atticus' deportment and also the trial in a bit more than particular, equally he embodies this thought that real courage exists outside of concrete daring. In the racist milieu of the Deep Southward at the time, juries rarely "decide in favour of a coloured man over a white man." Notwithstanding, Atticus is determined to defend Tom even at the steep cost of his own personal honor or reputation. Non just does he teach his children about the importance of courage, but he goes on to exemplify those very lessons himself. Courage in this instance reflects his commitment to the truth and to defending the innocent—"this boy'southward not going till the truth is told."

Withal, in the final paragraph nosotros might have a bit of a plough. Atticus, in having the courage to come across Tom as an equal, is probably reflecting some other very important value in the novel—namely, empathy. Though he admires Mrs. Dubose for her "real courage", the white camellia he gives to Jem represents the goodness he sees within her despite her discriminatory attitudes. Though Jem struggles to sympathize with the "erstwhile devil", Atticus posits that information technology takes a degree of backbone to be the bigger person and see the best in others, rather than repeating cycles of bigotry and prejudice. The idea of empathy equally a course of courage is too reflected in what he teaches them virtually Boo Radley. When Scout is terrified by the idea that he had given her a blanket without her realising, she "nearly threw up"—yet Atticus maintains the importance of empathising with people, "climb[ing] into some other man'south shoes and walk[ing] around in it" rather than ostracising them. In other words, he sees empathy equally a course of courage in beingness the first to break social stigmas and overcome the various forms of bigotry that split up u.s.a..

At present to impact base again with the take abroad message. We contended that the novel is most courage because Atticus teaches information technology to Scout and Jem while as well representing it in the trial. Nosotros also contended that backbone is linked to empathy, another key value that he imparts equally it helps to overcome social barriers like discrimination. The aim was to build an essay on a contention that clearly props up the body of the essay itself, even when we were more confident with some other themes, and I call back this program does a pretty proficient job of covering that.


Source: https://www.vcestudyguides.com/blog/to-kill-a-mockingbird

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